efa inventory device ntp disable-server

Lists NTP servers configured using XCO.

efa inventory device ntp disable-server [ --ip device-ip | --enable { yes | no }| --list | --fabric name ]
--enable { yes | no }
Turns the NTP server on or off.
--fabric name
Fabric name.
--ip device-ip
Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,
Lists disable-server on devices.
To turn off an NTP server on a given device:
efa inventory device ntp disable-server –-enable yes –-ip
To turn on an NTP server on a given device:
efa inventory device ntp disable-server –-enable no –-ip 
To turn off an NTP server at the fabric level:
efa inventory device ntp disable-server –-enable yes –-fabric clos_fabric
To turn on an NTP server at the fabric level:
efa inventory device ntp disable-server –-enable no –-fabric clos_fabric